Trump’s New Manservant: Chris Christie
Looks like Republican Presidential candidate Donald Trump has a new manservant, NJ Governor Chris Christie. After dropping out of the presidential race, where he attacked fellow candidate Trump, Christie quickly cozied up to Trump and endorsed his candidacy. After being publicly humiliated for his hypocrisy, Christie is now reportedly working as Trump’s manservant, even fetching meals for his boss at McDonalds.
‘I Was Schlonged by Cruz’ – Loser Trump Wants Do-Over
Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump came in disappointing 2nd behind Ted Cruz in the Iowa Caucuses. At first Trump acted surprising gracious in his loss but it wasn’t long before he was lashing out, blaming the loss on everyone and everything but himself.
Who’s Afraid of Megyn Kelly – The Cowardly Lyin’ Trump
Republican frontrunner Donald Trump decided to skip the next Fox News debate because he claims debate moderator, Megyn Kelly was not fair to him in an earlier debate. “She asked me some tough questions and that scared me. I am used to easy stuff” said Trump.
Trump Brags He ‘Could Shoot People and Not Lose Voters’
Donald Trump told an audience at a Christian school that he ‘could shoot people and not lose voters’. Whether this sick joke is merely an expression of Trump’s conceit or the warning signs of a mentally unstable personality, remains to be seen.